Physiology Department



- GMCC is a recently established Medical College. Date of Establishment of the Physiology Department- 27th july 2015

- This department has a strong academic focus. It conducts teaching programs for medical course as per the MCI guidelines and MUHS, Nashik norms. Research activities and publishing are a major priority.

- Our vision is to create competent graduates who can work compassionately for the society/humanity and uphold the ideals of the Nobel medical profession.

What is “Physiology”?

Physiology is the scientific study of functioning in human body.


Physiology is the foundation of all medical sciences. Our Evidence based clinical Medicine is based on Physiology. It connects science, medicine, and health, and creates a framework for understanding how the human body adapts to stresses, physical activity, and disease. This understanding enables students correlate between pathology of a disease & its treatment, contributing to the development of the core skills of a competent doctor.


Major Activities and Services offered

- counseling and orientation programs at the beginning of the curriculum.

- Microteaching, Seminars and Journal Club presentations

- Research work carried out by teaching staff

- Assessment of teachers by Student Feedback and Peer Review

- Conduction of College level Physiology Quiz and encouraging students to participate.

- Mentorship

Facilities and Infrastructure

- Departmental Library for all UG students and departmental staff

- Lecture theatre with LCD and slide projector (Capacity -150)

- Demonstration Room with LCD (Capacity - 75-100)

- Well Equipped Laboratories for :

  • Clinical Skills
  • Hematology Experiments
  • Human Experiments
  • Animal Experiments
  • Research lab
  • Student Physiograph and Polygraph for demonstration of Physiological parameters

Major Equipments

- counseling and orientation programs at thStudent’s Physiograph and Polygraph

- Basal Metabolism Apparatus

- Distilled water still, All glass distillation apparatus

- Digital Photocolorimeter, pH meter

- Centrifuge

- Automatic Acquisition ECG machine

- Hot air oven, Electric sterilizer

- Perimeter, Spirometer, Wright’s Peak Flowmeter, Stethograph

- Mosso’s Ergograph, Bicycle Ergograph, Hand Grip Dynamometer

- Venous pressure apparatus

- Van Slyko’s Manometric Apparatus, Gas Analysis Apparatus- Haldane’s Student type

- Sherrington Kymograph (Brodie’s assembly), Langendroff’s Apparatus

- Opthalmoscope, Phakoscope, Edridge-Green Lantern

We have the infrastructure and instruments as per the MCI norm.


Courses Conducted

Level of Graduation Faculty No. of Students Affiliated University
Under Graduate MBBS 100 to 150 MUHS

Teaching Programme

- Students counseling and orientation programs at the beginning of the curriculum.

- Lectures and Practicals, tutorials and lecture demonstrations. Didactic lectures conducted on power point, practicals from Hematology & Clinical physiology, Lecture demonstrations on human physiology (using physiograph, polygraph, ECG Machines, spirometer and perimeter etc.)

- Continuous Assessment of students by written, oral and practical examinations

- Small group teaching methods such as interactive tutorial sessions, computer aided teaching to ensure better understanding and personal attention.

- Problem based learning

- Horizontal integrated teaching session in the form of seminars.

- Extra classes for academically backward students


- Dr. Avinash Tekade – National (07), International (08)

- Dr. Namrata S. Loya - National (04) International (03)

- Dr. Archana Mandape – National (01) International (03)

All publications can be accessed from Google scholar/Google/Pubmed etc.

Meet Our Faculty

Dr. Mamta Rode

Associate Professor And Hod

Qualification : MBBS MD PHYSIOLOGY

MMC Registration No.: 86782

Dr. Reema R. Gorte

Assistant Professor

Qualification : MBBS MD (PHYSIOLOGY)

MMC Registration No.: 2012092696

Dr. Namrata Loya

Assistant Professor

Qualification : MD

MMC Registration No.: 2019/10/6622